Bandwidth Charges

Below you will see how much free bandwidth you receive with your personal Web Page. If you exceed the amount of free Web page Space allotted to you under the "BANDWIDTH" section of the below graph, you will be charge the corresponding amount under the "Additional Bandwidth" section.

For Example: If you are on the Bronze Surfer plan you will receive 50MB of free bandwidth for your personal site. If exceed that amount by 200MB you will be charged an additional 10.00 for that month. When purchasing more bandwidth you must purchase in the specified blocks of transfer provided under the "Additional Bandwidth" section of the graph below.

Plan Name Bandwidth Additional Bandwidth
Bronze Surfer 50MB $6.00 per 100MB
Silver Surfer 50MB $10.00 per 200MB
Gold Surfer 50MB $30.00 per 1000MB
Platinum Surfer 100MB  



601-191 Lombard Ave    Winnipeg, Manitoba    R3B 0X1    Canada
Phone: (204) 480-3045 or (800) 500-0319   E-mail: